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What occurs at pregnancy week 5?

Jacaranda Maternity

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

During this week, you can take a pregnancy test at home since your HCG hormones are high. Visit Jacaranda Maternity Umoja branch (Wallet centre, opposite Shujaa mall) or Kahawa West branch (Kamiti road, Kiamumbi, Chief’s stage) for a free pregnancy test. Symptoms such as fatigue and nausea are prevalent during this time.

The embryo will also begin to look like a foetus. This period is the second month of your pregnancy. Your little one’s heart and circulatory system are developing during this time.

Your baby’s growth

At the fifth week, your baby’s size is still small and fragile. You can compare the embryo to an orange seed. The baby has a tail during this time—don’t worry, it’s not like a tadpole.

The embryo’s heartbeat is visible; and all the major and minor body systems such as digestive, circulatory and nervous are forming during this period. The first system to form from scratch is the circulatory system. You might be able to see a visible heartbeat during your ultrasound appointment towards the end of this week.

During this week, your baby’s heart is made of two channels known as heart tubes. As soon as the two channels fuse, your baby will form a beating heart. Moreover, there are more organs developing during this week such as the neural tube, and the precursor to your baby’s spinal cord and brain. Regardless, these organs haven't been sealed yet.


At week five, you’ll experiment various symptoms such as:

Food cravings: It’s completely normal to crave food and despise some foods during this time. Hormones play a vital role in this pregnancy symptom. This mainly happens since your body is still getting used to the hormones that are produced during your pregnancy.

Nausea: During this time, you may experience a sudden urge to vomit in the morning or any time of the day. This happens due to hormones, stress and bodily changes that occur during pregnancy. It’s completely normal to feel nauseated during the day.

Production of excess saliva: During the first trimester, you’ll experience excessive saliva. As uncomfortable as it sounds, it’s a common symptom pregnant women have. You can blame this symptom on pregnancy hormones and body changes.

Fatigue: Pregnancy is not simple, most of your energy during this time goes into preparing your body for the new life that’s developing inside you. However, after the first trimester your body will renew its energy.


Since the baby is still developing, it’s important to know your food limits during this time. You should avoid smoking, alcohol, unpasteurized dairy, undercooked meats, raw fish, mercury laden, raw sprouts and so on.

Instead, you need to focus on eating nourishing foods that will make your baby grow healthy. Jacaranda Maternity has a Nutrionist who can advise on the right foods to take. Nutrition clinics offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at Kahawa West branch (Kamiti road, Kiamumbi, Chief’s stage) from 8am to 1pm.


During the first trimester, you can carry out simple workout routines to ensure you remain healthy. Exercises also reduce stress and offer other incredible benefits. But that depends on whether or not it sits well with your stomach. If it does—taking a walk, swimming or stretching is appropriate for you and your baby.

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