Week 30, you still have 10 more weeks to go until you meet your baby.
During this week, your baby is still putting on more baby weight as time goes by and their skin is less wrinkly. As a result, your baby bump could be bigger than before. Your baby’s brain is also developing at a fast rate.
Unfortunately, during this week, you may experience annoying symptoms you bid goodbye after the first trimester such as fatigue and frequent urination.
At this time, you might have felt a rhythmic movement, if so, that is your baby hiccupping.
Your baby’s development
During this week, your baby is the size of a cabbage weighing 3 pounds. Here’s what happens:
1. The surface of the baby’s brain keeps wrinkling since their brain is gradually developing.
2. Their hands are fully grown while the fingernails are still growing.
3. The lanugo keeps disappearing as the weeks go by.
4. The baby’s bone marrow is making red blood cells to transport the oxygen in their tiny bodies when they are born.
Common symptoms during pregnancy week 30
At week 30, you’ll experience symptoms you had during the first trimester. These are:
1. Heartburn
The pregnancy hormones that allow your pelvic muscle to relax, letting you deliver your baby relax the muscle that separates your stomach from the oesophagus causing heartburn.
2. Sleeplessness
During this week, you’ll have trouble sleeping and you will notice you’re feeling more tired than usual. If the insomnia is getting out of hand, you can consult with us at Jacaranda Maternity hospital.
3. Mood swings
You may start to experience mood swings during this time since you may be feeling the pressure of being pregnant and most importantly, the pregnancy hormones could be the cause of mood swings.
Other symptoms: Cramps, enlarged feet.
Tips and tricks to guarantee a safe pregnancy
1. Eat starchy meals such as potatoes and cereals.
2. Exercise daily. You can walk for 30 minutes each day.
3. Don’t forget to take your prenatal vitamins.
During the visit you’ll have your vitals and physical examination taken. The midwife will provide information about antenatal classes, danger signs, signs of preterm labour, birth preparedness, individual birth plan and answer any questions of concern. First tetanus injection will be administered. HB (a blood test for haemoglobin levels) will be tested. Anti-D will be administered (administered during the third trimester if your blood type is rhesus negative. This is to prevent rhesus disease, should your baby have rhesus positive blood.)