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What happens during pregnancy week 29?

Jacaranda Maternity

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

At week 29, you still have 11 more weeks to go until you finally give birth to your baby. Since pregnancy doesn’t fit well into months, you are probably 8 months along.

During this time, your baby is steadily gaining weight, adding fat and muscle. Their bones are also getting stronger by the day.

Regardless, you might be feeling really tired since it’s the third trimester. You can contact us at Jacaranda Maternity hospital and we can advise you whether to increase your iron and calcium intake.

Your baby’s development

During this time, your baby is the size of a butternut squash. Their skin is also maturing and getting thicker by the day. The fine hair that covers the baby’s body, also known as Lanugo, is falling off at week 29.

Common Symptoms

At week 29, you’ll experience various symptoms that we’ll cover below. These are;

1. Foot Changes

Your feet and ankles may start swelling during this time. What’s more? A study shows that your feet tend to get longer and wider during pregnancy and this symptom could be long-term since it sticks with you even after you have already given birth. The best you can do is to switch your shoe size after giving birth.

2. Fatigue

As frustrating as this is, it happens once again during week 29 after feeling lively and energetic at the second trimester.

3. Varicose Veins

If you can see sore and bulging blue veins on your feet, do not be alarmed! It's a symptom you’ll experience during week 29. To ease the discomfort, it’s best not to sit or stand for a long time. You can also opt to wear a support hose, just make sure it isn’t too tight.

4. Shortness of breath

You may experience difficulty in breathing during this time since your uterus keeps expanding and that doesn’t leave enough space for other abdominal organs.

Other symptoms during week 29: Leg cramps, Braxton hicks contractions, Nasal congestion, and Heartburn.


At this time, you need to eat food that contains two essential nutrients, these are; Iron and calcium. Calcium is important since it strengthens the bones and teeth of your baby. You need 1000 millimetres of calcium intake per day. You can eat broccoli, cheese, milk, yogurt, or wholemeal bread since these foods are rich in calcium.

Iron is important since it replenishes and maintains the red blood cells in your body. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen throughout your body. As a mom-to-be, you need to take at least 30 milligrams of iron per day. Consuming foods such as beef, beans or liver is effective since they are rich in iron.

Helpful self-care tips during the 29th week of pregnancy

1. If you are dealing with fatigue, try to rest as much as you can. Exercises can help to reduce fatigue. Lastly, avoid caffeine.

2. Practice mindfulness since pregnancy can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. You can do this through Yoga or Meditation.

3. You can start planning your baby shower during this time with the help of your friends. Having fun and receiving gifts is therapeutic.

During the visit you’ll have your vitals and physical examination taken. The midwife will provide information about antenatal classes, danger signs, signs of preterm labour, birth preparedness, individual birth plan and answer any questions of concern. First tetanus injection will be administered. HB (a blood test for haemoglobin levels) will be tested. Anti-D will be administered (administered during the third trimester if your blood type is rhesus negative. This is to prevent rhesus disease, should your baby have rhesus positive blood.)

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