If you feel a sudden urge to tidy up the house and to do various chores at once, it’s normal during this time. While it can be therapeutic, it’s best to lay off hard work since you are expecting a baby and tiring yourself isn’t good for you.
During this week, it’s best to schedule an antenatal visit to the doctor. You can contact us at Jacaranda Maternity Hospital and we’ll be glad to cater to your needs. Visiting the gynaecologist during this time is important since these experts can pick up on any body changes and determine whether there is a problem or not.
Your baby’s development
The baby has moved its head into your pelvis to prepare for childbirth. Regardless, you still have six more weeks until you give birth.
At this time, your baby is the size of a romaine lettuce which is about 2.6 kg. The baby is 47.4 cm tall and its lungs have fully developed. Therefore, a 36 weeks child can breathe outside the womb without any issues. However, your baby’s digestive system is not fully developed.
Common signs and symptoms during week 36
Below are the main signs and symptoms you’ll experience during this week.
Your baby’s movements are changing since the womb is becoming too crowded. You’ll feel a few kicks but expect to feel more squirms.
Heartburn and indigestion
Frequent urination
Pregnancy insomnia
Vaginal discharge with blood
Itchy belly
Helpful tips to incorporate during this week
Add Vitamin B6 in your diet. Your baby can use the protein to build its cells.
Learn more about labour and the stages of labour.
Start preparing for a strep test. GBS bacteria is harmless but it’s very harmful to babies.
Take note of the changes in your baby’s movement.
You can continue to exercise as long as you are doing gentle low-effort exercises.
You can visit us at Jacaranda Maternity hospital. During the visit you’ll have your vitals and physical examination taken. The midwife will remind you about recognising early labour and when to call the hospital. Your second tetanus injection will be administered.