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What happens during pregnancy week 31?

Jacaranda Maternity

Updated: Feb 23, 2024

Finally, you are at your last phase of pregnancy. During this week, everyone can tell you’re pregnant since your belly is showing and you have already experienced most of the pregnancy symptoms.

Perhaps, you might be experiencing discomfort during this time since your uterus keeps expanding to give room to the baby that is growing inside of your belly.

Read more to find out about pregnancy week 31.

Your baby’s development

At week 31, your baby is developing at a fast rate! They are still gaining weight and becoming bigger, preparing for life outside the womb.

At this time your baby is not as little as before; the child’s weight is almost 3.3 pounds which is the size of the head of the Zucchini. Your baby’s height is 16 inches which is almost half a metre! Your baby’s development is very crucial during this time, you can also feel movements since they are very active in your womb.

Common symptoms during pregnancy week 31

Below are the main symptoms you’ll experience during week 31:

  • Breast Fluid: Since your body is preparing to nurse your new-born baby, you’ll notice some fluid leaking from your breasts. This fluid is known as Colostrum which is early breast milk.

  • Frequent Urination: Since the uterus is pressing down your bladder, you’ll experience frequent urination.

  • Back Pain: This happens due to the extra weight you are carrying and since your baby is getting bigger by the day. If the pain becomes unbearable, you can opt for a prenatal massage therapist.

  • Constipation: You may experience constipation as a result of decreased motility which leads to constipation and increased water consumption.

Tips and tricks to guarantee a safe pregnancy

Here are various tips you can use during your pregnancy to guarantee a safe and healthy pregnancy:

1. You can go for an ultrasound during this time. You’ll see the baby how it will look once it’s born.

2. You can do exercises such as Yoga or you can take short walks to remain active.

3. Your sexual life can remain active during this time but use protection to avoid passing any infections to the baby.

During the visit you’ll have your vitals and physical examination taken. The midwife will provide information about antenatal classes, danger signs, signs of preterm labour, birth preparedness, individual birth plan and answer any questions of concern. First tetanus injection will be administered. HB (a blood test for haemoglobin levels) will be tested. Anti-D will be administered (administered during the third trimester if your blood type is rhesus negative. This is to prevent rhesus disease, should your baby have rhesus positive blood.)

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